Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
January 27
I bought a box of mystery books at a bookfair once, and ended up with a ton of duplicates. I'm finally getting rid of some of them.
Monday, January 26, 2009
January 26
Not exactly of my choosing, but it was getting ridiculous. I really wanted to go to bed, but I attacked it. Sadly Mt. Laundry returned just 24 hours later.
January 26
I have been wanting to set up an Etsy shop with the nursing covers and tutus. I'm not done yet, but I'm at least set up.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
January 25
I filled up a box with clothes that I never wear.
Sadly, it's still in my bathroom, but at least I'm done filling it.
Now I just need to nag John enough to load it up and take it to goodwill.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
January 24
Somehow, I didn't realize that we had planned Clara's party for the same weekend as Created By God. Created by God is not my favorite part of my job, but I realize it's a good thing. It's basically the birds and the bees talk from a Christian point of view. If you know my modesty issues, you know that this is very uncomfortable for me! Anyway, happy thoughts. I was able to escape the Saturday session long enough to see the fashion show at Clara's "Dress Like Your Babie" party. It was so fun!
Friday, January 23, 2009
January 23
Thursday, January 22, 2009
January 22
We finally switched Noah it a rear facing convertible seat. I couldn't carry him in the carrier any more. It's true that John did most of the work on this, but would it have happened without me nagging? Probably not.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
January 21
John bought me a digital frame for Christmas. I haven't taken much time to figure it out. I did, and I filled it up! It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. He wants me to take it to my office, but I like it here.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
January 18

I have a series of pictures of Hope in the kids' bathroom of Hope in a towel after bathtime when she was about Noah's age. I have been wanting to do the same with pictures of him. I love having only bath pictures in the bathroom. It makes me happy. Now, if only I would just send these to Snapfish right now, and get a frame to put them in. But, as John says, I am not a finisher. The sad thing is that he is right. It will probably be another year before they make it to the bathroom. Good intentions count, right?
Saturday, January 17, 2009
January 17
Hope always wants to bake.
Pretty sure we can all thank April for that one.
(Thanks, April!)
She has been wanting to bake muffins for.ev.er.
She had her friend, LJ over on Saturday.
So, we made muffins!
They loved it and were so funny about this project.
They were yummy!
Friday, January 16, 2009
January 16
Ok, so I'm cheating.
I didn't get a picture of our Friday night happenings.
And who calls dinner with friends a project anyway?
I do.
I could have stayed home and completed a project.
But, I chose to do this instead.
Think of it as a project for maintaining these friendships.
Seems like a stretch, huh?
Too bad.
It's my blog.
We have been trying to get together with Stacy and Lisa Jones for months.
Something always comes up, or we all get busy.
We mean well.
And, well, with baby boy Jones due any day now, Lisa and I just said, ok, we are doing this on Friday.
Unless the baby shows up.
We had a great time catching up with our good friends.
But, no pictures.
We sent Baby Jones (I know his name...but it's a secret! :-) a bag of newborn clothes.
Lisa had bought this cute overall outfit for Baby Jones to wear
Next Year.
But, she decided Noah could wear it this year, and pass it on back!
It is so cute.
Unfortunately, Noah was too busy mashing his gums together to smile at me.
Thanks for a fun evening Jones's. We can't wait to meet the newest member of your sweet family.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I'm still working on making a calendar for this year from Snapfish.
I was having a very hard time making it even between Hope and Noah.
So, on goes Noah's new Valentine outfit.
He is my new Mr. February.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
January 14
I told my sister that I would make Clara's "Dress Like Your Barbie" Party invitations, and since today was her actual birthday, I thought that I better get to Kinkos and print them out. She was pretty happy with her "fashionable" invitations. The party is going to be a blast!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
January 13
I am a little short on black material,
I will have to finish tomorrow, but, here's a sneak peak TallGirl! The colors aren't showing up well on the camera. The pink is really really hot pink.
Peanut is a girl after my heart with some spunk similar to another little girl I know!
Tomorrow, I have got to remember to take my camera to the CDC. I am doing "Jill's carseat clinic" for Ora and Sommer and their new babies (that's right, Baby O is coming home very soon! And Cohen is due this month!) John and I are serious crazy people when it comes to installing carseats. We have it down to a science. Nothing drives me more crazy than when people don't have their carseats buckled in correctly! No wobbling people. And don't even get me started on people not doing research on carseats before they buy them! Ugh.
Monday, January 12, 2009
January 12
Not completed, but the bed has been moved against the wall.
It has nothing to do with the fact that Noah might have fallen out of the bed twice in one week.
Ok, it might.
Hope falls out of the bed a lot too, ahem, I mean...
Hope falls out of the bed a lot.
Remember, I'm NOT saying Noah fell out of the bed. Twice.
Didn't happen.
I had a day at home alone today.
I got so much accomplished, but mostly everyday things
like laundry and cleaning and grocery shopping.
I haven't felt like I could scrapbook until I had everything organized again. I haven't organized this stuff since we moved. Now, I don't have any more excuses. Darn. This chest was my moms in college, I think. Is that right, mom? Anyway, I love it. John does not. I think it's the color he is not a fan of. I always say I am going to paint it, but, surprise, I never do. Now there is another project to add to the list...

Sunday, January 11, 2009
January 11
I got a ton of stuff done today.
Not particularly fun things, but still,
I definitely feel like I accomplished some things.
Getting out the door is never easy for me.
Especially with the cold weather attire needed to get out the door these days.
I added some baskets by the coat closet in the mud room.
Hats, mittens, scarves for all right at the door.
Plus, a basket for me to put things I need to make it out the door with the next day.
The dryer is right by the garage door in the mud room and becomes the "catch all" spot for everything.
We'll see how long this lasts...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
January 10
Friday, January 9, 2009
January 9
It was a hard day to get anything done.
Even the "must dos."
Noah is sick again.
I took him to the Dr.
Double ear infections.
So, he was attached to me
(literally for part of the day as I carried him in the sling..)
for most of the day.
John took over for me for a while and I was about to dig in to a project
John took over for me for a while and I was about to dig in to a project
when Hope asked to do "a project"
which means scissors and glue.
She and I sat together for some much needed time together while she completed this.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
January 8
2 fer special.
Today I met with a trainer at the gym.
Not sure if that counts as a completed project, but certainly a big step towards a gigantic project.
Pun intended.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
January 6
I wrote down all the fun things from the Holiday Season in my handy dandy Christmas Memories Book. I have wrote about all of our Christmas' since Hope's first Christmas. I wish I would have realized before now that this was the last year for this book so I could have bought a new one on sale after Christmas...oh well. It is always fun to look back and remember what happened a few years ago.
The links on this page are only going to be to others with 365 blogs, so if you have one and want me to add it, let me know! My other friends and favorite blogs will remain linked on the main blog.
Monday, January 5, 2009
January 5
Someone ordered a pink tutu with ribbons for a one year old's birthday.
I was determined to finish it tonight.
It's so little and sweet!
Want one?
It's a steal of a deal.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
January 3
Ok, so the ADD got me a little bit today.
My original goal was to put away all the Christmas stuff.
That didn't happen.
I had put away a lot of it, but not nearly all of it.
My sister invited us over and I abandoned ship.
So, when I got home, I made a new goal.
To package up all of the Clothtique Santa's from my mantle.
These are quite possibly my favorite material possessions. I have been collecting them for years, as have my parents and sister. We love them. We are those crazy people who run through Dillard's the day after Christmas when the doors open just to get our hands on them. I have tried to limit myself to just one a year. It rarely works out that way. This year, I added 2. 1 with a boy and girl sitting on Santa's lap that look eerily similar to my children (so I HAD to have that one, right?) and then, we found a second one with Santa holding Noah's ark. Obviously, I NEEDED that one too. Glad you understand.
Anyway, I am very particular about how they get put away, so it takes a while to make sure each one is properly wrapped up. Mission Accomplished, right? Almost. I couldn't find the box to one that has a baby on Santa's lap. So I go out to the garage. Here's where ADD gets me again. I start looking through everything for anything that has been missing for a while. I looked for one of Hope's Ooo Ooos that has been missing since we moved here. Then, I started looking for the ABC's of Christmas Book my mom made Hope. Also, one of my very favorite things. I couldn't find it this year, and I was so upset about it. I even thought someone stole it. No really, I did. I tore the house up looking for it a few weeks ago, but then tonight I tore through every box in the attic and garage. And guess what...
The best mission accomplished so far.
Guess where it was...
Guess where it was...
In a box with my favorite Santa that I couldn't find this year either. Go figure.
Friday, January 2, 2009
January 2
I have been wanting to put Hope's toys away in these clear totes with labels on them for her to read and know where to put them back. She loved the idea, and wanted to make a label for herself. She did a pretty good job with no help on spelling from us. I couldn't not post a picture of her hard work as well. Oh, and the labels I made didn't trip her up one bit. Even Polly Pockets and My Little Ponies. She does amaze me with her reading.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
January 1

Noah's Closet
Too small clothes divided up into bags for April, Kerum and Lisa.
A box of Zeb's clothes to the attic.
A few special things put in a box in his closet.
Now the center section here is only clothes that fit him right this minute.
His closet has 2 other sides you can't see.
To the right are 12 month summer clothes.
To the left are 12-18 month winter clothes for next winter.
Ahhh. It feels so good to have it done.
Mission Accomplished
This is my New Year's Resolution: To finish a project of my choosing every day. Be it organizing a closet, a page in a scrapbook, making tutu's to sell, or cleaning out the garage, I am going to get something done every day. Something above the feed the kids, go to work, take a shower, must do things of the day. I am really good at saying "I can do that tomorrow." So my New Year's Resolution is to do it today. And, just to add more to my plate, I am going to take a picture of my project every day and post it here. I don't promise to get on the blog and post the picture of the day every day, but I will take the picture and post to the blog when I can. I was inspired to do this blog by tallgirl. I am hoping she will hold me accountable!
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